> This is how I use hyperref currently:
> \usepackage[breaklinks=true,colorlinks=true,bookmarks=true,
> bookmarksopen=true,bookmarksnumbered=true]{hyperref}
> So obviously I'll find it nice if these options are supported,
> possibly in the form of checkboxes. Ability to set the link colors
> would be nice also.

This is how I use it currently:

% if pdflatex is used

% link all cross references and URLs in pdf output
 \usepackage[colorlinks=true, bookmarks, bookmarksnumbered, bookmarksopen, 
  linkcolor=black, citecolor=black, urlcolor=blue, filecolor=blue,
  pdfpagelayout=OneColumn, pdfnewwindow=true,
  pdfstartview=XYZ, plainpages=false, pdfpagelabels,
  pdfauthor={LyX Team}, pdftex,
  pdftitle={LyX's Figure, Table, Floats, Notes, and Boxes manual},
  pdfsubject={LyX-documentation about figures, tables, floats, notes, and 
  pdfkeywords={LyX, Tables, Figures, Floats, Boxes, Notes}]{hyperref}

\else % if dvi or ps is produced

 % link all cross references and URLs in DVI output
 \usepackage[ps2pdf, colorlinks=true,
  linkcolor=black, citecolor=black, urlcolor=blue, filecolor=blue]{hyperref}

\fi % end if pdflatex is used

So you can see that it is impossible to support all options by checkboxes. Especially when you have an option for evey color setting, the dialog becomes overfull.

> Options like pdftitle, pdfauthor and pdflang can probably be set
> automatic from title, author and the document language.

It would be indeed a nice feature when LyX proposes them, but you should be able to modify them in the dialog like Pavel currently implemented it.


To start the action, I think Pavel's stuff should go in, and we can then add or shift options later. Everybody uses a different hyperref setting and so everybody tests the hyperref support with different documents until we find the correct option settings, and more important, the correct place in the preamble where to put the hyperref load.
(This is what in my opinion an open SVN devel version is for.)

regards Uwe

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