On Fri, Sep 21, 2007 at 11:59:56AM +0200, Georg Baum wrote:
> Richard Heck wrote:
> > The change should be fairly simple, both in the code and in lyx2lyx:
> > It's mostly a matter of file format, not so much of internal
> > representation. Internal code concerned with writing and reading will be
> > all that changes. This will significantly simplify factory.cpp's
> > readInset() routine.
> Only slightly: A few lines of hardcoded ref commands would vanish.
> > In particular, things like this: 
> >         // This strange command allows LyX to recognize "natbib" style
> >         // citations: citet, citep, Citet etc.
> >         // FIXME: We already have partial support for \\fullcite and
> >         // the various \\footcite commands. We should increase the
> >         // file format number and read these commands here, too.
> >         // Then we should use is_possible_cite_command() in
> >         // InsetCitation to test for valid cite commands.
> >         if (compare_ascii_no_case(cmdName.substr(0,4), "cite") == 0) {
> >             inset.reset(new InsetCitation(inscmd));
> >         } else...
> > go away.
> That is a separate issue that can be solved independently. Having said that,
> the proposed change InsetCommand->InsetCitation makes much sense, but not
> because of the factory.cpp simplification (it would still need two lines
> per inset which is OK IMHO), but because of the added flexibility.
> The bad news is that this change will require one controller class for each
> inset. Currently there is only one command controller, used by all command
> insets. That is the only reason I did not do this change already during the
> InsetCommandParams rewrite.

So again an instance where out version of MVC separation hampers


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