On Sun, Oct 07, 2007 at 02:26:48AM +0200, Dov Feldstern wrote:
>  Hi!
>  As mentioned in a separate thread, I have a suggestion for the charstyles 
>  situation, but it's important for me to first of all explain another issue 
>  which bothers me with the current implementation of charstyles. If I am 
>  correct, then understanding my problem will help to understand some of the 
>  choices I make for that solution. But I'm doing this in a separate thread, 
>  to try and keep things manageable (which may or may not succeed).
>  So first, let me just say that I'm not very familiar with the charstyles 
>  implementation, so please correct me if I'm wrong.
>  AFAIU, charstyle insets "work" (i.e., determine the font attributes as they 
>  would appear in the latex output), in the following manner: when such an 
>  inset is reached, and say it's a "noun" inset, then the command for starting 
>  the "noun" command is output, followed by the text of the inset, followed by 
>  the command for closing "noun".

Yes, \noun{ and } respectively.
>  The problem with this is that it's a *new* method for determining the font 
>  attributes, which comes alongside the already existing method 
>  (character-attributes). And as complicated as character-attributes are, 
>  mixing two different methods for control fonts appearance is only going to 
>  make things more complicated. Firstly, just because every time someone now 
>  wants to somehow interact with font attributes, now two different "places" 
>  have to be checked in order to determine the current font attributes at a 
>  given position (1. what are the character attributes at this position? 2. is 
>  this position inside an inset which could affect font attributes? And note 
>  that the answer to (2) is not trivial, even if it's the *only* method being 
>  used). Secondly, this can lead to all kinds of situations of 
>  over-definition: what if the inset determines one thing, but font-attributes 
>  determine another? 

What the inset does, is 'very' clear.

> Or, what if you have two "emph" insets one inside the 
>  other --- using the current implementation, I believe you'd get something 
>  like "\emph{bla bla \emph{bla bla}}", which is probably *not* what we want. 
>  (To be sure, with the current character attributes implementation, I'm not 
>  sure that we'd get what we want, either: we'd probably get "\emph{bla bla 
>  bla bla}", which is at least better, IMO. What we'd really want might depend 
>  on the specific charstyles being used, but I don't see any good way to even 
>  recognize this situation using insets. 

Emph handles this situation on the keyboard input level by
toggling. Which indeed is a good reason to keep it that way
i.e., the range approach.

> Using character attributes / ranges I 
>  think it would be easier to recognize this situation). There is no good way 
>  to deal with these kinds of situations using the current mechanism.
>  And as far as I understand, we all agree that character attributes are not 
>  going to be totally replaced by insets, so they're still going to be around.
>  Also note that the fact that we ignore font attributes inside these insets 
>  is forcing us to perform additional work which hides this fact from the 
>  user: getDrawFont, draw --- we explicitly set the font used for drawing, 
>  because the "true" font (as would be determined by the character attributes) 
>  may not be what we want it to be.

We use getDrawFont etc. only if we do _not_ want to inherit
the surrounding font, like for ERT, footnote, etc. A self
contained design choice.
>  For these reasons, I would prefer to see charstyle-insets work as follows: 
>  the inset should make sure that inside it, the current_font is set to the 
>  font settings required by this charstyle; and maybe also make sure that the 
>  current_font can't be changed. Beyond that, no extra work would be needed: 
>  no special output methods (i.e., no "latex command" necessary in the layout, 
>  no special drawing methods --- all these would be handled by the already 
>  existing character attributes mechanisms. But the UI would still be that of 
>  an inset.

I am not sure I understand you, but we're pretty much already
there. We only need an inset's draw or latex commands if
the inset does something above and beyond drawing / outputting
the text it contains. Otherwise not. Methinks you really haven't
looked much at the inset mechanism (which you readily admit).

>  Does this sound reasonable?
>  Dov

- Martin

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