Further to this report. Clicking on almost any (not quite all) of the layout
options causes this crash. Swapping the math macro and "h" around so that the
math macro is at the top of the document, then making "h" a title is stable.

I don't have time today to look at this.
Anyone else?

On Thu, 27 Jul 2000, Thomas Henlich wrote:
 Here's another one: Make LyX crash with only 2 mouse-clicks :-(
 I found the following bug in lyx-1.1.5fix1-1 (Linux RPM), which makes LyX
 abort with the message "lyx: SIGSEGV signal caught".
 It is reproducible in the following way:
 Run: /usr/bin/lyx lyxbug2.lyx
 Click on format menu, then on "Title"
 Now it crashes.
 I can post a GDB output if required.
 File lyxbug2.lyx:
 #LyX 1.1 created this file. For more info see http://www.lyx.org/
 \lyxformat 2.16
 \textclass article
 \language default
 \inputencoding default
 \fontscheme default
 \graphics default
 \paperfontsize default
 \spacing single 
 \papersize a4paper
 \paperpackage a4
 \use_geometry 0
 \use_amsmath 0
 \paperorientation portrait
 \secnumdepth 3
 \tocdepth 3
 \paragraph_separation indent
 \defskip medskip
 \quotes_language danish
 \quotes_times 2
 \papercolumns 1
 \papersides 1
 \paperpagestyle default
 \layout Standard
 \begin_inset FormulaMacro 
 \newcommand{\bem}{\beta _{\mathrm{m}}}
 Thomas Henlich

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