Helge Hafting ha scritto:
Ideally, you don't update the entire screen on scrolling.
If the scroll is less than a screenfull, just let the windowing
system move the part that stays visible. And then you draw
only the exposed part. A nice speedup, especially when working
across the network.
Ideally :-)
Ideally, paint only the single line containing the cursor, when the rest of
the paragraph stays unchanged. More important: Don't do a redraw to
the bottom, just move the stuff down and redraw the paragraph only.
Ideally :-)

Ideally, don't even redraw the entire line, but just the new entered character,
unless it triggered a respacing of the entire line due to justification.

Ideally :-)

It seems in this practical world, nobody cares anymore about optimizations.
After all, we have to give something to do to our quad-core machines, right ? :-)

I know perfectly what you're talking about, so, if we can manage
to have something stable and correctly behaving, then we can even go through
such optimizations. Probably, the LyX UpdateFlags will need a few further enum
values, allowing all of such possibilities.


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