On Dec 31, 2007, at 6:14 PM, rgheck wrote:

Is the idea that this shell script runs instead of the LyX executable? I.e., that this will run every time someone wants to run LyX? If so, that seems like a lot to do each and every such time. Not that it will take forever, but just that it seems like a bit of a waste. Isn't there some way to have this done, say, by configure? And what if someone wanted to delete the examples?

Yes, that's the idea. It takes .003 seconds to run the script when no files need to be updated, so I don't think anyone will notice. (That is, it takes .093 seconds of real time to begin launching LyX without this script, and .096 with.) Nonetheless, I certainly wouldn't object if someone wanted to put this into the configure script. (What are the conditions under which configure is run?)

The examples could be deleted so long as the LyX-1.5/examples/default folder is not, since the script only checks the modification date of that folder. (Same goes for the templates and tex folders.)

One other small thing. Instead of the repeated directory creation stuff, what about something like this:

Thanks -- that worked (minus the "base=shift" line). I've attached a simplified version.

Other comments? ... Any testers? (Anders?)


Attachment: lyx
Description: Binary data

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