Stefan Schimanski wrote:
While doing these changes, it would be not too hard to add some additional information to the layout. It would be interesting IMO to display (in grey) the document class model right to the layout name where the layout comes from. E.g. next to Theorem a grey "AMS" would be written.

I'm not sure what you mean here. If it's really the document class we want to display, then that's the same for everything in the layout. If it's the file where the layout is defined, then some paragraphs will come from e.g.; some from the main *.layout file; and some from modules; but I don't know if the ordinary user will care. And some will originate in one place and be modified in another, or even be deleted and then totally redefined. So I'm not sure there's any clear sense to "where things come from". And at present, we don't have this information stored in the DocumentClass object. Of course, it could be put there.

But the general idea of making the information displayed here more flexible is a good one. And no matter what you do here, I'm glad you've fixed the "translated strings" problem in GuiLayoutBox::selected().


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