On Thu, 3 Apr 2008, Pavel Sanda wrote:

What exactly do you mean? Do you want all the pages that are linked from 'Development' to be in the main menu?

not all, but these i find useful to have as one click job:
- news & roadmap (will merge it as one page)
- bugzilla
- i18n status
- pointer to svn sources

I don't agree with that.

Hi, I'm sorry that I've missed this discussion, and I might be off here, but I think there's a way to eat the cake and still keep it...

If I understand it correctly, the conflict is as follows:
* New users and normal users would benefit from a clean/simple sidebar
* Advanced users and developers would prefer a more complete sidebar
In addition, we already have the case when...
* Editors of the web site wants to modify pages...

We can solve this in lots of ways, all we need is a mechanism to differentiate between the type of user. One method is through the URI

* www.lyx.org           -> sidebar more suited for non-developers
* www.lyx.org/devel     -> sidebar more suited to developers
* www.lyx.org/wiki      -> sidebar more suited to modifying content

The URIs above will use the same wiki backend and data, but when accessed through www.lyx.org/devel, some variable is set to true. Then a conditional in the sidebar is used to show the stuff more suited to developers. Or we simply use a completely different sidebar...

Instead of using different URIs to choose what 'skin' the user want, we could explicitly append an argument to the URI, e.g.


So if someone summarizes what they'd like, and tell me how they want to select the type of "view" of the wiki (or skin actualy), I can probably implement that easily.

To generalize, we might want a set of view modes. If you're interested, please look at:


I could see us having these view modes:
* 'newbie' - no edits, reduced amount of information, (the default?)
* 'display' - no edits, regular users, (the default?)
* 'editor' - edits, people that can edit pages etc

This might of course all be overkill for what you were really discussing.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44               http://www.md.kth.se/~chr

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