On Fri, Apr 4, 2008 at 2:50 PM, José Matos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Friday 04 April 2008 20:37:20 Bo Peng wrote:
>  > I can compile the .lyx file on machine A but not on machine B which
>  > has that file, but not the session file.
>  You know that this is not the usual case.
>  If you insist a python script to seed the session file is easy. :-)

I do not want to talk about usual or not. I was told by someone that
my feature needs to please everyone (maybe except for me).

>  > Actually, I would support your idea IF you can convince people to use
>  > this for ALL such insets. You can not blame an embedded insets for
>  > keeping such information, but allow another inset to have it.
>   Could you give an example, please?

What example? We are talking about whether or not saving full path
information in .lyx file should be allowed. I have proved to you that
they can be used by all these file-related insets. You then say I can
avoid using them when the insets are in embed mode (where I disagree).
My argument was that why I have to do that if you allow them to be
used elsewhere. You are leaking information nevertheless. If you are
so concerned about this, you should use your technique to every inset,

1. disallowing the use of absolute path in any inset, and maybe.
2. disallowing the use of out of tree files altogether because
../../../my/girlfriend/pictures/image.png also reviews the so called
personal information.


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