Enrico Forestieri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I think that JMarc is trying to avoid using pkg-config to query
> for the Qt configuration.

Yes, exactly. pkg-config is a bit too unix-centric to be universally
useful. But of course I want to build makefiels, so I am a bit
unix-centric myself (more than what qmakes wants to do).

> would tell where the libraries are. From here, one could discover
> the needed additional libraries by grepping the .prl files.

That seems doable, but still a bit of work. Is it worth it in your

Basically, the goal is to provide a mechanism for autoconf that works
out of the box for unix/x11, osx/quartz, osx/x11, windows,
windows/x11. By pointing configure to the right directory, it should
be able to find out what are the correct parameters to use.


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