> > Then, please answer *directly* the following questions:

PLEASE, answer these questions directly!

> > 1. In bundled mode, do you create filename.lyz or
> > filename.lyxdir/content.lyx when you create a new file and save?
> >
> > 2. What is your *file* when a user chooses 'unbundle'? Contineue to be
> > filename.lyz or filename.lyxdir/content.lyx?
> >
>  I have no idea what these questions are about.

When you open a file, and you save, in which format do you save? In
compressed .lyz or in your proposed directory structure? Is this
obviously enough?

When you choose unbundle, users will see a directory filename.lyxdir
*under* the directory of filename.lyz. Do you see the world from
directory "." or filename.lyxdir??

> > 3. Do you ever allow users to open content.lyx directly?
> >
> > 4. Do you ever allow any relative path, bundled or not?
> >
> >
> >
>  And the answers to these have been given several times before.

Please give it here again.


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