Am Donnerstag, 17. April 2008 schrieb Andreas K.:
> Dear LyX developers,
> I am not a developer, only an ordinary LyX user that really love this program 
> and use it regularly, so I do not know if my opinion count. I have not 
> followed the details in the discussion about the embedding feature that bo 
> implemented, but I have to say that I am very sad that it now is removed from 
> the upcoming LyX 1.6 version.
> For me as a LyX user, the embedding of external figures is one of the most 
> wanted new features, and one of the features I really looked foreward to in 
> the new version. That it now is removed is very bad. 
> I hope that Bo Peng will return (maybe a simple "sorry" from some of the 
> other 
> developers will help?) and continue with his contributions to the LyX 
> project. 
> Especially to include the embedding feature in the LyX 1.6 version. Otherwise 
> I hope someone else can implement the embedding feature.
> Please come back Bo.


> Regards,
> Andreas

Kornel Benko

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