Bo Peng wrote:
 Are you proposing to add a file browser to lyx?
 Because we need the mime-type association for the different file types to

 Would you be happy with a file browser launched on a temporary directory to
inspect and change the file content of the embedded files?

 Would this solve your problem?

Ohhm, I really do not know what you are talking about. We are talking
about Richard's problem, not mine. In my proposal, if a user would
like to directly update a file, he goes the old and faithful external
file way. The trouble is only with Richard because users can not do
that in his bundled mode.

As I have said now several times, of course you can edit the external file in my approach. And then you "update from external file", or you even have this done automatically for you, by turning on auto-update, if we have it. What my approach allows (in principle), but yours does not, is that I can edit the file inside the bundle without opening LyX at all.

There are more options in my approach, not fewer. That would be the point you just don't want to get.


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