Stefan Schimanski wrote:

Am 12.08.2008 um 17:24 schrieb rgheck:

Stefan Schimanski wrote:
Not sure this very commit is the reason. But I was bitten today several times from the following ugly bug:

Whenever I want to insert a citation, nothing is inserted, instead the citation in front of the cursor is changed.

This bug existed before, but was fixed some time ago I think. But now it's even worse than before. In addition to the inability to insert a new citation, copying an old citation inset fails with an assertion which finally closes the document.

No, this commit isn't it. This has to do with bibitems---the bibliography environment---not with citations. But yes, I've seen that bug, too, and it is VERY annoying. It has to be fixed for 1.6.

I reverted the commit locally and now it works as before. So there is some connection. Did not have to time to really investigate it.

I don't think it can have had to do with that. But the attached patch fixes the bug for me.

Here's a recipe to trigger it, first. MODIFY a citation. Then try to insert a new one. See if that gets you the bug. Then try the patch.

The problem is that GuiView::disconnectDialog() is never being called in this case.


Index: GuiCitation.cpp
--- GuiCitation.cpp	(revision 26122)
+++ GuiCitation.cpp	(working copy)
@@ -167,14 +167,14 @@
-	hide();
+	hideView();
 void GuiCitation::on_cancelPB_clicked()
-	hide();
+	hideView();

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