Something relevant for the menus, but not quite clear to me (and I believe in parts a bit buggy/inconsistent). Maybe somebody can explain.

What I think we should have (conceptually):
a) "Files" (=documents)
b) "Views" onto the file (one or more, in various windows and tabs).

In the menus this should be represented IMHO (and some HIGs) with

1) Open File (opens file in current window into a new tab)
2) Close File (closes file in ALL views)

3) New Tab (opens a new empty tab)
4) Close Tab (closes view, and also the file if it was the only view)

5) New Window (opens a new empty window)
6) Close Window (closes window and all tabs included, and files if there is no more view on them).

7) Split Window (this is conceptually like a new window)
8) Remove Split Window (see close window)

I) Am I correct with the above?
II) Do we do that right now?
III) What is "close-tab-group" supposed to do (in relation to above)?
IV) After I split a window, how do I "unsplit" it (dragging to the edge still keeps the views, and a handle). V) Should we have somthing like "Open current document in ... (new window, tab, split-view, ...)"?


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