Allan added,

> I finally decided to take a look at your picture.  I see the typical
> troublemaker VI user trying to establish some level of prowess by
> resorting to physical violence to attract a mate¹.  This is also supported
> by the fact that the vi team has always beaten the emacs team in skirmish
> (at LinuxConf etc.).

If force isn't solving your problem, you're not using enough of it . . .

> ¹ The emacs guy ends up with the girl by the way because she realizes that
>   VI-Man is just a thug.  

Well, that's what she thopught.  But by the time he finally managed to 
get himself started, he'd also sorted the sand on the beach, checked 
everyone's mail, and rebuilt a transmission.  By then, VI-Man had 
everything taken care of.  Besides, she didn't like his Lisp anyway . . 



You can see from her statement that she
>   always suspected him.  Her defensive pose is also a give-away that she
>   now fears for her own safety.

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