On Sat, Apr 4, 2009 at 17:24, Uwe Stöhr <uwesto...@web.de> wrote:

> I tested out Trac today and see that
> - every character that is not plain ASCII is displayed as some "garbage
> character", it seems that Trac needs to be explicitly configured to output
> Unicode


> - How can normal users create an account?

They can't. We might revisit this issue a bit later.

> - We allow now that people can report bugs anonymously. Can this be turned
> off? Anonymous reports don't help us in most cases because one often needs
> to ask back to the reported to be able to reproduce the problem or contact
> the reporter when he should test a patch. Besides this Trac is now open for
> spam (that we already have in our Wiki) due to the missing authentication.

I am not as sure as you that hit is without merit. So I'll leave it as it.
Can be revisited later.

> - All bugzilla user preferences are lost:
> No bug reporter is any longer informed by email when a bug is changed that
> he reported or where he is CCed. Can this also be migrated? Currently we
> have cut off the users from our bug tracker.
> (I currently don't get emails when bugs are changed that I reported or
> where I'm on the CC list.)

Trac is not bugzilla.

OTOH mail notifications should now work.


- The names of bug reporter are lost: When e.g. looking at
> http://www.lyx.org/trac/ticket/4228
> I now only see the email address of the reporter, but not its full name.
> This way, all our bug reporters will only get spam as the bot search
> automatically the web for email addresses, but we don't know who is who and
> it is impolite to start replies with "Hello Gidienator". Moreover some
> reporters also don't appear with their real names but also not with their
> email, but with some abbreviation like "dov". OK, I know that "dov" is one
> of our developers, but not the bug reporters that get a reply from him.

Not sure if anything can be done about the full name, but at the very least
you can configure it.
How and when it will be used is another matter.

Full mail addresser are only shown to authenticated users.


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