Hi, Alex. This is going to seem critical, but it is going to end up being constructive. See below.

What's more problematic, to my mind, is that the framework isn't extensible.
Yes, I know that the programmer can add support for new layout types, etc,
but as things now stand even simple layouts like Theorem aren't supported.
Yes, those could be added. But LyX itself is extensible, as LaTeX is, and
that's a crucial thing about it. If I define some new character styles, or
new layouts of some other sort, then they're not handled and *can't* be
handled without making eLyXer aware of what the LaTeX commands that define
these styles mean. But then we're back to writing a LaTeX to HTML converter.
Similarly, I think it will be a challenge to provide proper support for math
macros, let alone for things people do using ERT.

The framework is extensible in several respects. The first one is of
course with code. But a much better way only requires CSS. Unknown
layouts do not generate errors, but new HTML <div> classes. Adding
support in the CSS is trivial.
This isn't quite right. You're assuming that whatever needs to be done to render the new environment can be done in CSS. Even for theorem environments, this is non-trivial. I suppose you can use advanced stuff, like the content tag and counters, but browser support for these is still in its infancy.

And that is a very simple case. Just consider the Endnotes module.

Similarly, unknown insets generate
<span> tags with a characteristic span. As to new macros, LaTeX
commands and ERT, they are not supported at this point.

Right. Which means that people who want to use eLyXer for output are restricted to a subset of LyX's functionality. And they are going to continue to be, since there is no way of solving this problem short of writing or borrowing a LaTeX to HTML converter. That is why I don't support including it within LyX. Anything that is part of LyX ought to support LyX's full functionality, or at least something close to it.

If you would be so kind as to send me a sample I would be delighted to
help make theorems work.

See below again. But you can easily to create a LyX document with some theorem environments, if you want to continue with this approach.

Similarly, at present, so far as I can tell, there is no support for BibTeX.
Is that right? In my conversions, I get little raised numbers, but they
don't link to anything.

BibTex is not working at the moment. Again, a sample would be appreciated.

You can easily create a LyX document with some BibTeX. And if you want to work on this, then you can probably use the python-bibtex package to parse the files. Figuring out how the bibliography is supposed to be rendered will be more difficult, though maybe there's not so much of a need to render it precisely as BibTeX would. Or maybe you could (optionally?) use the bbl file. But see below again.

Also, crossrefs appear as little arrows, which is nice, except that you
don't get the corresponding text, which makes things like "In [arrow], we
will discuss..." hard to read.

A single-pass converter cannot possibly output the actual number of
the linked section, or the text -- it will first find the reference
and a few kb later (once that part of the document is parsed) the
label. A second pass would be required to make labels work properly,
and the second pass is still in the works. But this should work,

There are other problems, too. We have to keep track of which counters are "linked" and which ones are supposed to be reset when. You could maybe try (optionally?) using the aux file, which of course has already dealt with all of that. But see below again.

Let me just be clear about the nature of these criticisms. It may well be
that eLyXer will be a good program for use by people whose LyX files are
very basic, don't use much math, don't define custom styles, and the like.
If so, then so; there are plenty of people for whom that is plenty good
enough. But if this program is going to be included in LyX, then, in my
opinion, it needs to handle the LyX format, pretty much without exception.
Yes, there may be some special cases it doesn't quite handle, but, mostly,
it should do what LyX does, and it absolutely needs to handle math cleanly.
Right now, and with all due respect, it doesn't come close.

Fair enough. My views are much more simplistic: LyX currently doesn't
do what 99.9% of users need, which is output to different formats
including HTML and/or something importable from within Word.
LyX will always output to plain text, and that's readily importable in Word. If one wants to output to a format that preserves a good bit of the formatting, then latex2rtf does a fine job, so long as you don't have too much math, etc. (I've used that for collaboration myself, so I know.) Properly configured, which is apparently a challenge on some operating systems, htlatex will do excellent conversion both to HTML and to ODT, and plastex does a very good job converting to HTML, though with some limits, including the fact that all the math is little pictures (though it does handle cross-references and BibTeX nicely). So there are lots of options. None of that means the world can't use a better mousetrap. See below.

Thus many, many people don't know about an otherwise wonderful editor. The
needs of these users (and of the majority of current users IMHO) would
be adequately served by an HTML export tool which generates anything
that does not look like garbage. Nobody is volunteering to write a
tool that does what you want, so LyX could very well use what eLyXer
offers. But perhaps as you say integration is not such a good idea.
Separate packaging and distribution might be an enabler for people,
especially if the most popular versions (Windows, Debian) do a joint

See below.

My own view, for what it's worth, is that there is no stable way to go here
except to have LyX output the LaTeX, which it does well, and then convert
that. Otherwise, I don't see how you will ever get proper handling of math
macros, character styles, new layouts, and the like. And if I were going to
work on that, then I'd work on plastex, which seems to me generally to do a
pretty good job. At the very least, one can use the plastex parser and write
a new output routine.

Good luck with that. The problem is orders of magnitude harder than a
LyX to HTML converter.
That depends how much of LyX's source you care to convert. If you want to handle custom styles, then the problem is the same. Which was my point.

So the question is: What do we have to do if we're going to get really good HTML output for more than fairly simple LyX files, let alone for LyX's full functionality? I think there is now fairly widespread agreement that the answer is: You have to do it within LyX itself, i.e., in the C++ source, where we actually have access to the information we need. And once you start to think in those terms, then I think it becomes completely obvious that this is the way to go. If HTML is an output format, then the layout files themselves can contain appropriate information about how custom styles should be output as HTML, and indeed even about how standard insets should be output. If Footnote gets output as a span, then that can be configured in the InsetLayout for Footnote and even overridden by the user. E.g.:
   InsetLayout Footnote
      HTMLType       BeginEnd
      HTMLBegin      <span class="footnote">
      HTMLEnd         </span>
           .footnote { ... }
or something along those lines. Similarly:
   Style Section
      HTMLType       BeginEnd
      HTMLBegin      <h2>
      HTMLEnd         </h2>
Which can of course vary for different classes. E.g., you might want it that way in a book, but <h1> in an article.

Getting something workable that does as much as eLyXer now does would be pretty easy, because we already have access to the complete structure of the document. Lots of the output code could almost be cut and paste from the other output routines. The challenge will be to get good rendering of the math. Addressing other issues, like file splitting, would take some work, but not too much. Note that we can even get a good TOC this way. Dealing with cross-references and BibTeX becomes easy, too, because we have all the information we need ready to hand. (Of course, there will be issues, but you get my point.)

Alex, do you know C++? I'd be happy to help with this, once exams are over.


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