Dear Jürgen, all,
I'm pretty sure that the comment "Chapter is _not_ prepended" should be "Section is _not_ prepended". That makes a lot more sense, as Section isn't prepended, and especially as it comes just before the definition of the Section environment.

There was also another small formatting error -- Section numbers are rendered as 1.1 in amsbook (or A.1 in the appendix).

I do use AMS article, and one of my papers looked fine in it. I've never used AMS book -- while it's closely related, there may be someone who knows it better.

        To summarize:
== No changes to amsart.layout
== In amsbook.layout, apply patch below (against stock 1.6.2 file)
* fixes comment error (chapter vs section)
* prepends chapter number to section number in LyX display, more closely matching the latex output

I've also attached a LyX file that tries to put AMS book through its paces (with starred and unstarred chapters and an appendix). I found it not quite trivial to figure out everything that needed to be tested, and anyway, it's small.



Attachment: amsbook-rsw2.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: booktest.lyx
Description: Binary data

On Jun 5, 2009, at 6:35 AM, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
     Dear lyx developers,
Attached is a "diff -u" patch fixing a small display bug in the AMS
article layout, where starred Section, Subsections, etc are not
displayed correctly.  I fixed it by repeating the modification of
The AMS book layout file seems to have a similar problem, which I
have taken the liberty of fixing as well.

This is just a cosmetic change that cannot harm, I think (although I think
the changes should come after "Input").

The attached patch has some minor modifications to amsbook:

* load before the star section redefinitions
* At least here, section and section* is bold in the output, not small caps. I
adapted both definitions

And one question. Is this definition (in amsbook) really correct?

# Chapter is _not_ prepended
Style Section
        LabelString          "\arabic{section}"
        LabelStringAppendix  "\arabic{section}"

At least here, chapter actually _is_ prepended in the output.

Russ, could you check this please, I do not use AMS myself.


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