On Tue, Sep 01, 2009 at 11:11:19AM +0200, Ullrich Franke wrote:
> Hi there,
> sorry for warming up an old discussion.
> I'm sitting in front of a large document in LyX right now and need to
> jump back and forth quite often.  Now what I'm missing (besides the
> whole vi bindings) is vi's ability to mark line numbers (m-command). I
> find this very useful for hopping around visiting other sections in my
> document and returning quickly to where I'm working by just pressing "
> '[buffer] ".
> Scrolling is quite painful, very slow and - when working inside floats
> _very_ unreliable.  Using the Navigate-menu is fine, but does only
> work well for short sections; when I need to jump to the middle of
> some paragraph, I'm lost using pg{down,up}.
> Is there an "easy" way to implement stuff like that?  After all these
> vi-discussions, has anybody measured the necessary work?

You'll need around 3000-5000 lines to get basic movement, undo, some
register handling, basic ex commands and visual mode to get a rough "vi
feeling" (or at least something that covers the part of vi(m) that I
personally use...).
> Is anybody actually working on it right now?

None that I am aware of, at least not in the context of LyX.

> Where in the source should I start?

You'd probably need to put the machinery between GuiWorkArea::keyPressEvent()
and LyXFunc::processKeySym() and/or possibly replace LyXFunc::processKeySym().


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