Stephan Witt wrote:
> Pavel, can you have a look please?

hopefully towards the end of this week. actually it would be really helpful
if we can proceed in usual incremental manner - different patches for different
issues, its much harder to keep your track if everything is muddled into
one big patch, ie patch for CVS related stuff and fixing other bugs on the top 
of it.

quick peek into diff - doVCCommand change looks ok (maybe call the param 
+       // to be sure test readonly state again...                              
+       FileName fn(owner_->absFileName());                                     
+       fn.refresh();                                                           
+       if (!fn.isReadOnly())
is not inside checkoutenabled?

just fast screening, i really need to go sleep now, sorry ;)

> If the principle way is ok I can do the same for the RCS and SVN backend too.
> One question regarding the "View log" button of repoUpdate: 
> here on Mac the dialog to display the log is unusable. 
> It is blocked by the next confirmation dialog. 
> Is this platform specific or on all platforms?

no, this glitch is on all platforms (iirc resize did work, but the button was
silent). i carry the idea of trying to show that dialog as nonmodal. it maybe
oneliner somewhere, but i never really get to solve it...


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