Am Donnerstag, 13. Januar 2011 schrieb LyX Ticket Tracker:
> #7024: Build error with external boost and "shared libs" option set (cmake)
> ---------------------+------------------------------------------------------
>  Reporter:  kraymer  |       Owner:  lasgouttes
>      Type:  defect   |      Status:  new       
>  Priority:  normal   |   Milestone:  1.6.9     
> Component:  build    |     Version:  1.6.0svn  
>  Severity:  normal   |    Keywords:            
> ---------------------+------------------------------------------------------
> Comment(by kraymer):
>  Thanks for the hint about make clean, I should have checked/mentioned
>  that. However, the problem is still there, and it's about shared libs I
>  think.[[BR]]
>  Building with internal or external boost works fine as long as I don't use
>  'shared libs' configuration. When I do that, the build fails. It's just
>  that it fails in different places depending on the selection of
>  internal<->external boost.

I see. It may be, because we set unconditionally "STATIC" in case of internal 

I would change the explicit use of STATIC in calls to add_library() macro.

Edit boost/libs/signals/CMakeLists.txt
1.)line 20:
                -->: add_library(boost_signals ${library_type} 
2.)line 32:
                -->: add_library(boost_signals ${library_type} 

and boost/libs/regex/CMakeLists.txt
3.) line 22:
                ->: add_library(boost_regex ${library_type} 


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