On Monday 20 November 2000 08:24, John Levon wrote:
> I spent some time testing last friday's CVS, and these are some
> things I noticed. Plenty of this is IMHO of course, and more of it is
> just questions I will answer/fix myself if no-one beats me to it.
> Basically this is my personal bugzilla, so feel free to answer WORKSFORME,

> 1) Opening the preferences dialog without any document open prints this
> on the minibuffer :
>    (Command not allowed without any document open (dialog-preferences))

FIXED (I think. Try CVS again once my patch has worked its way through the 
system. It hasn't done so yet (Monday morning).)

> 2) on using prefs dialog :
>    FormPreferences::Colors::LoadBrowserLyX: can't find color
>    "offwhite". This shouldn't happen!

Definitely FIXED.

> 3) its very easy to confuse xforms by resizing the prefs dialog (yes I
>    have opaque resize on).
>    xforms 0.88. I imagine there is no simple fix. Also resizing doesn't
>    resize the tab folders themselves. Is this covered by the new entry
>    in BUGS.lyx ?

Don't understand what you mean by "easy to confuse xforms". What happens? 
I've noticed too that resizing doesn't resize the tab folders. Will have a 
look/do some reading. This is not covered by the new entry in BUGS.lyx which 
simply describes the combox move and open in the wrong place bug.

> 4) feature request - it would be nice if the colour box updated as I
>    dragged the RGB/HSV sliders, so I can see immediately the colour I am
>    generating.

It does now. Again, wait for the patch! FIXED, therefore.

> 5) ert may be an amusing name for the colour object, but users may well
>    not know. Also it can be inaccurate ... :)

Feel free to come up with better names. The file you're looking for is 

> 6) the help messages "Set to false" should be "De-select" IMHO -
>    much clearer.

Sure. I only had so much inspiration at the time. As a fellow english-speaker 
you should again feel free to improve mine. The relevant file is lyxrc.C. 
It's all in getDescription().

> 7) is it possible to alter the numbers in the spinboxes (e.g. zoom %)
>    directly ? This is especially pertinent for "auto-save" where cycling
>    down to 0 takes forever. For this particular case, I think an explicit
>    disable would be good.

Noted. Will have a go.

> 8) what's the point in Spell command -> "none" ?

Ispell is auto-detected. If it ain't there, then it ain't there!

> 9) wouldn't it make sense for ispell dictionary browser to default to
> home directory ?

Sure. Will Have a go.

> 10) the "not the" compound spellcheck example is just likely to baffle
> people IMHO. How about "disk drive" or something real ?

I just cut and pasted the stuff in lyxrc.defaults. Will change.

> 11) Is "Usage" the best tab name ? What is wrong with "Language Options" ?

Excellent. Will change.

> 12) Usage->Language->Keyboard appears aligned funny here ...

> 13) Converters->Formats->Modify should be Apply IMHO.

Why? Add/Modify appears clearer to me. It suggests that only the current 
setting will be changed. And NOTHING is Applied until Apply is hit. All 
changes are local to the dialog.

> 14) Should I be allowed to delete formats/convertors without confirmation ?

Yes. Note a format won't delete if a converter uses it. Nothing is actually 
Applied until Apply is pressed. Till then, you can always Restore. Therafter, 
you don't actually remove the default formats from the system_lyxdir. You 
just stop them from being "available to user". Editing the local preferences 
file will bring them back.

> 15) Inputs->Paths->Temp dir tells me "This directory is deleted when
>     you quit LyX". This isn't right surely ? LyX has no business trying to
> delete /tmp or any other directory IMHO.

You mean I should have "LyX will place it's temporary directories in this 
path. They will be deleted when you quit LyX."

> 16) What does turning off the Temp dir checkbox do anyway ?
You aren't using any temp directories. Everything is in the current working 

> 17) Outputs->Printer->adapt output - what's the point of this ? Surely
>     if a printer name is entered, it will need passing to lpr or whatever ?
>     If it is equal to $PRINTER, no matter ...
Dunno. Ask someone else.

> 18) I suppose Printer Flags could do with some more descriptive help
>     messages ?
Feel free.

> 19) Has checktex defaulted to "none" because I don't have it installed
>     ? Shouldn't it just be blank ?

> 21) If I run without a personal LyX directory, I can still Save changes
> in the prefs dialog - shouldn't the
>     dialog be read-only in this case ? It leaves the prefs files in
>     $HOME otherwise.
And that's disastrous?

> 22) opening, say, the URL in splash.lyx and then clicking on OK gives
> "OkCancelReadOnlyPolicy: No transition for input 2 from state 0"
> 23) prettyref should be disabled if the user doesn't have it in their
> latex config. I intend to do a small patch
>     for KDE soon so I'll do xforms at the same time if it's obvious. The
>     same applies to various other frontend things I expect.
It's obvious!

> 24) this one has bugged me for a while - if you are selecting text by
> dragging the mouse, and you end selection by
>     releasing the button above an inset, that is registered as a click
>     on the inset, and the dialog (if relevant) will pop up. Quite
>     annoying... xforms bug ?
No. None of the insets know anything about xforms. This is all LyX/X.

> 25) the tooltip for the table dialog says "Open Insert Tabular Dialog". It
> should just be "Insert Table" to go with
>     "Insert Figure". Similarly, Insert->tabular should be Insert->Table
>     IMHO.
> 27) IMHO "Warning: language `default' not recognized!  Setting language to
> `english'" should be "Warning: setting language 'default'
>     to 'english'", because the prior sounds like the user has done
>     something wrong.
> 28) Similarly "Unable to show Latex logfile !" sounds a bit more exciting
> than it actually is (e.g. the user just hasn't run latex yet). IMHO
> "No LaTeX log file found" sounds better ...

These are matters of english syntax again. Keep up the good work and feel 
free to change!

> 29) I can write into Layout->paragraph->Label width, even when it's
> "Senseless with this layout !"
I'll have a go.

> 30) when I switch between the bullet depths, the latex changes but it
> doesn't move to the correct bullet "window". can this be done easily ?
> 31) isn't there duplication between Edit->spellchecker->options and the
> prefs dialog ?
Almost certainly.

> 32) What are the mysterious two numbers at the bottom left of
> FormTabular ?
Which cell are you in at the moment?

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