On Sat, 11 Nov 2000, R. Lahaye wrote:
> I believe 1.1.6 will have a big impact on the docs.
> So many things have changed (dialogs, menus, bug-fixes etc.).
> The docs in cvs are according to the current official release
> of 1.1.5, but they can't be modified to 1.1.6 overnight after
> its official release!!


This snippet appeared in the lyx-docs list a week or so ago, and echoes
the concerns I expressed in the devel group a few weeks back. Since I have
actually received at least one doc patch from a developer specific to
1.1.6 (name withheld to protect his developer reputation :-), I would like
to formally request that a new CVS branch be made for lyxdoc - probably
with "lyxdoc" for the new documentation and "lyxdoc_1.1.5" for the 1.1.5
stuff, similar to the source code branches, and with the same user access
as now. Lars, (and/or whoever else controls this stuff), can this be done
soon? (Is this something that I could in principle do? I'm pretty ignorant
of the magic of CVS ...) Any arguments to the contrary?


Mike Ressler
OK, I'm lame: I don't have my own website ...

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