> If it were me I would do it like this:
> connect(table,        SIGNAL(rowsChanged(int)),     rowsSB,   
>  SLOT(setValue(int)));
> connect(table,        SIGNAL(colsChanged(int)),     
> columnsSB, SLOT(setValue(int)));
> connect(rowsSB,       SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),    table,    
>  SLOT(setNumberRows(int)));
> connect(columnsSB,    SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),    table,    
>  SLOT(setNumberColumns(int)));
> connect(rowsSB,       SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),    this,     
>  SLOT(change_adaptor()));
> connect(columnsSB,    SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),    this,     
>  SLOT(columnsChanged(int)) );
> connect(valignCO,     SIGNAL(highlighted(QString)), this,     
>  SLOT(change_adaptor()));
> connect(halignED,     SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this,     
>  SLOT(change_adaptor()));
> connect(decorationCO, SIGNAL(activated(int)),       this,     
>  SLOT(decorationChanged(int)));

Vincent, why didn't you fix the thing silently? This discussion will set a rule
that (whatever it will be!) will make me crazy!
It will be worst than the #include sorting thing! :D

My opinion is: who is still developing on a terminal? :P We need a limit, 100 is
perfect IMSO [1].

venom00 (is sure someone here is still developing on terminal)

[1] In My Selfish Opinion, that is, given my IDE configuration.

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