On Tue, May 03, 2011 at 09:43:40PM +0200, venom00 wrote:
> We need a limit, 100 is perfect IMSO [1].
> venom00 (is sure someone here is still developing on terminal)

Terminal or not (which I do use around 50% of the time) is not the full
picture, as one can have split editors in some IDEs, too (and that's
perhaps 20% of the remaining 50% for me...)

Anyway, 100 is probably fine, I lost that kind of battle already in
other places ;-|



> [1] In My Selfish Opinion, that is, given my IDE configuration.

/me mumbles something gloomy about if, strncmp, getlogin, venom, 5,
displaysettingspage.cpp, m_page, wrapColumn, setMaximum, and 80...



[Sorry, could not resist. It just came over me ;-)]

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