On Wed, May 4, 2011 at 11:46 AM, Andrew Parsloe <apars...@clear.net.nz> wrote:
> Yes, but it would be nice to be able to sum a table in LyX without having to
> fire up Gnumeric or Excel or whatever.
It sure would.

> (To take matters to extremes, you
> could even fire up an external wordprocessor and create a pdf or latex
> document and import into LyX, but we don't. LyX is so much better and more
> fun to work in.)
I understand your concern, but adding true spreadsheet capabilities to
LyX would be a massive undertaking, and something to which some
developers would object. LyX is by design a very flexible beast that
allows you to interact with a huge (and growing) number of external
tools: LaTeX, DocBook, BibTeX, R, Maxima, etc., etc.

As far as I'm concerned, LyX does provide spreadsheet capabilities via
the Gnumeric external material. It allows you to create and maintain
your tables in a mature spreadsheet tool (something that LyX would
never provide natively), and _dynamically_ import the results into
your LyX documents. Personally I couldn't ask for more. (Think of it
as graphics creation: you do not create them in LyX; you use some
external tool to either create a final PDF and import into LyX, or to
dynamically manage via external material).


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