John Levon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

| On Sun, 3 Dec 2000, Allan Rae wrote:
| > On Fri, 1 Dec 2000, John Levon wrote:
| > 
| > > Me & Angus have started up a prototype bug tracker for lyx at :
| > > 
| > >
| > 
| > We've certainly discussed this often enough but nobody has had the time or
| > inclination to do anything about it.  Thanks.  What's involved in adding
| > developers to the list of people who can do admin stuff?  It'd be nice if
| > we could make this official and have all the core developers able to
| > work with it.
| >
| To be added as an admin :
| 1) create a sourceforge account for yourself.
| 2) mail me or angus (or any other admin of the project), giving the
| username, and you will be added as admin.
| I'm none too sure about opening this particular database up "officially",
| simply because the sourceforge facilities are a little, um, basic. For
| example, there's no way to add a field indicating LyX version number.
| Really nice would be a proper bugzilla or similar installed somewhere.

I'd be happy to have a bugzilla at

Just tell me what we need.


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