On Wed, Dec 12, 2001 at 09:14:46AM +0000 or thereabouts, John Levon wrote:
> I've now moved all the bugs over.
> I've added some [META] bugs for things like latex round trip bugs etc.
> Is it possible to get http://bugs.lyx.org/ to point at http://cvs.koziarski.com/ ?

Just point bugs.lyx.org at (this will change in the next
few weeks) and I'll fix the VirtualHost settings on the server.

| Michael Koziarski                   |"Conventional wisdom is often   |
| Data Engineer, Linux user           | long on convention and short   |
| & Objectivist.                      | on wisdom" --                  |
| http://www.koziarski.com            | Warren E. Buffett, BRK.A       |

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