Xu Wang <xuwang762 <at> gmail.com> writes:

> On Mon, Dec 12, 2011 at 1:48 AM, Nicu Tofan <nicu_tofan_office <at> yahoo.com>
>   Did you figure it out?
> I am *very* interested in your project and hope that it doesn't get
interrupted because of the wiki problems.
> Thank you Nicu!
> Xu
> On Fri, Dec 9, 2011 at 8:51 AM, Nicu Tofan <nicu_tofan_office <at> yahoo.com>
> Nicu Tofan <nicu_tofan_office <at> yahoo.com> writes:
> >
> > http://wiki.lyx.org/Devel/SourceCodeExploration?action=diff
> >
> > Trying to save changes in wiki does not work without any error message.
> >
> > Help appreciated.
> > Nick
> >
> >
> The new text that I try to paste is 80386 characters long. That may be the
> problem. The preview functionality also presents the old version when the full
> 80386 text is inserted, but works OK with smaller
> Nick
> Hello, Xu! Thank you for your interest!
> Of course it doesn't get interrupted. 
> As the person(s) that manage the wiki did not respond, my best 
> assumption is that there is a maximum character count that has been 
> reached. The version posted on the wiki is already obsolete and I'm thinking
about replacing the content with a link to current location. For now, I will
make a note at the top.
> Took
>  me a couple of hours to convert the text from the PmWiki syntax to LyX 
> syntax using a regular expression capable editor, so we have a nice .lyx file
now that I host at the address below [1], for now.
>  During it's evolution, I expect suggestions about it's format and the 
> developers may choose a place on the site for it. I did not get to the 
> part where the output may be customized, yet, so I don't know if there 
> is a way to export to wiki pages (section generates a page, chapter generates
a page, something like that). If it does not have that ability yet, I will be
happy to contribute it, so that it's content may be present on the wiki, too.
(would that be of any benefit?)
> However,
>  I must say that I'm interested in a number of other projects (started 
> this because I want to interact sage with LyX, for example) and my daily job,
so the writing goes fairly slow, as you probably noticed.
> Regards,
> Nick
> [1] -
> Nick,
> Thank you for the explanation! Your outside interests are definitely
understandable. Whatever you can accomplish will be greatly appreciated. I
actually prefer a .lyx file to a wiki file.
> I wonder if this could be a new manual, "Developing LyX". It could be hidden
from the average user, just as the information inset is hidden and can only be
activated with a keyboard shortcut. Or it could be visible.
> Xu

My hope is also that it will become a new manual, but the decision about how it
is presented to the user is up to the core developers, I guess. I'm usually
against hiding the information, so a new entry in the help menu can't hurt, me
thinks. :)

But we're miles away from that point. There will be plenty of time to discuss
these matters.


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