Hi, everyone!
I sent this text to the users list with no response...It is about a possible 
"bug" or "feature" of the LyX layout for the IEEETran class.

It appears that after a recent LyX update, none of the modules for numbering 
theorems by type (e.g., theorem 1, theorem 2, lemma 1, proposition 1, theorem 
lemma 2, ..., as opposed to theorem 1, theorem 2, lemma 3, proposition 4, ...). 
can be chosen if the IEEEtran document class has been selected.

It seems that this restriction is hard-coded and cannot be changed from within 
LyX (one can obviously export to LaTeX, and manually change certain lines, and 
compile from LaTeX).

Is this a "bug" or a "feature"?

Is there a work-around other than the LaTeX export route?

If this is intentional, it would be nice if the user was allowed to overrule 
and add some of the Theorem by Type modules. Perhaps a maintainer has assumed 
that each and every IEEE publication today forbids "Theorem by Type" numbering. 
However, such prohibition does not appear to exist. For example, what the 
IEEETran manual says is:
"Sometimes it is desirable that a structure share its counter with another 
structure. This can be accomplished by using the alternate form of \newtheorem
where num_like is the name of an existing structure."
(see pag 14 of IEEEtran_HOWTO.pdf ). 

That paragraph suggests clearly that a theorem "common counter" is by no means 

...and even if  all IEEE publications in existence today made the common 
mandatory (which does not seem to be the case), the policy could be changed in 
the future, or new IEEE publications could deviate from it.

Please, remove that restriction, whether intentional or not (perhaps LyX could 
simply generate some sort of "warning" when a user chooses "numbered by type" 
and IEEEtran together). And if you can suggest a workaround other than that 
mentioned above, please do.

Many thanks.


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