Am 20.01.2013 06:28, schrieb Scott Kostyshak:

Has there been discussion on the possibility of configuring LyX as
part of the install process rather than after the install when LyX is
first opened?

LyX is already configured even twice during the installation.

I'm thinking mainly of Windows, where currently there are reports of
the users being confused by opening LyX the first time and not seeing
any indication that LyX is running correctly and they restart their
computer after a minute assuming something is wrong.

This was a problem in that was kindly fixed by Enrico some weeks ago. The fix is included for both installer of LyX


The installer is currently suffering from a MiKTeX bug so that on some 64bit Windows the installation of missing packages does not work. The fix is expected this week and I'll provide a new installer version

regards Uwe

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