Juergen Vigna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

| Hi!
| I changed the tabular format for the version 1.1.6. This means your not
| able anymore to read your 1.1.6 saved tabular if you don't activate the
| define in tabular.C (USE_OLD_READFORMAT). If you do this you can read your
| old files and write the new format. Obviously you're then not able to read
| the new format until you compile with the define disabled. I did this so
| people can transfer there testfiles!
| I also fixed the problem with the longtabular options (from oldformatread).
| Please have a look and let me know.

Are we compatible with pre2/3?

If not that has to change.

These prereleases were put forward to the general public and to change
the format so that pre cannot be read is not acceptable.

(would have been ok for pre1, but not for pre3)


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