On 26/04/13 04:53, Hashini Senaratne wrote:

>> an horizontal scrollbar

I apologize for not having followed the discussion so far. I'm replying to a 
random e-mail about the Horizontal Scrollbar just to drop a few extra-thoughts:

Just while we're at it, can't we also have an inset-specific vertical scrolling 
feature ?

Shortly, instead of the boolean expanded/collapsed insert, also allow for a 
third scrollable state where I show just a part of it, with the possibility to 
drag the size of the part that appears on screen (kind of a resizable 
scrollable window within the WorkArea, where the Inset is fully displayed -- 
just that the window sticks with the LyX page while scrolling).

So, I can also hide vertically a long table or long picture or other stuff, 
which burdens me otherwise. Yes, I can collapse it, but then perhaps once it's 
collapsed and I can't remember what's that, and I have to open it for a moment 
to see, to just remember.

As a further note, often it happens that one adds some picture built with who 
knows what editor, and it shows up as amazingly/surprisingly huge within LyX, 
perhaps for some DPI settings or I don't know why. So, one goes to resize the 
figure on screen, then goes on. With a scrollable-inset (horizontally as well 
as vertically), one might have a default max size (including height) on screen 
by which new material is shown, so that if trying to exceed that size then the 
inset is clipped within a scrollable window.

... and now I'm just thinking how cool would such thing be, if it were easily 
zoomable as well (e.g., with the mouse wheel or other contextual buttons that 
show up while hovering)

Just a further variation.



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