On 3/05/2013 7:52 a.m., Howard Rudd wrote:
Dear Lyx Developers

I have been using LyX for several years and I would like to say thanks
for producing such a brilliant piece of software. It's totally awesome.

I hope you don't mind me making a suggestion for a very small tweak that
I think would be an improvement?

I like to have the 'view TeX source' window open while I'm working and,
now that most monitors have a wide-screen aspect ratio, it makes sense
to place this to the right of the editing pane (as in the attached
screenshot image) rather than in its default position at the bottom of
the screen underneath the editing pane.

When in this position, the pane displaying the TeX source cannot occupy
the full width of the window because of the buttons and drop down boxes
on its right. Consequently there is a large expanse of screen area that
is not used and appears as plain grey. If these buttons and boxes could
be placed below the TeX-source pane, then that pane could extend all the
way to the right hand edge of the screen and would be able to display
more of its contents. This would also make much better use of the
available screen area, which is at a premium on smaller monitors (I use
a 14" laptop).

Apologies if there is already a way of making it do this and I've missed
it, but if there is I haven't been able to find it.

Many thanks

Howard Rudd



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