On 21/05/2013 7:58 a.m., Liviu Andronic wrote:
Dear all,
Am I the only one who finds queer that when a document is compiling:
- the messages relevant to the compilation are displayed on the
left-hand side of the statusbar
- while the qt spinner is on the right-hand side of the statusbar

Whe na document is compiling, my eyes wonder from side to side not
sure what to monitor. In this sense, it's a bit confusing. Wouldn't it
be better to have the qt spinner is on the left-hand side of the


Qt spinner? I hadn't noticed until now (after a decade of using LyX) but on Windows I get a wee blank grey rectangle at the right of the status line that shows nothing & does nothing until compilation is complete when it disappears. My eyes have have looked only to the left.


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