On Mar 3, 2014, at 8:15 AM, Richard Heck <rgh...@lyx.org> wrote:

> On 03/03/2014 05:39 AM, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
>> 03/03/2014 11:16, Jerry:
>>> I see the recent postings about 2.1 in OS X but I still don't see any
>>> (further) discussion of fixing the slow scrolling problem. I recall
>>> that there had been some work on this but that it isn't ready for
>>> releasing yet. For day-to-day use, this, in my opinion, is the single
>>> most important thing that makes LyX less than a complete joy to use.
>>> I noticed recently that if the pixmap cache is enabled _and_ if
>>> force_paint_single_char is set to 0, scrolling speed is comparable to
>>> that of other OS X programs. But of course force_paint_single_char to
>>> 0 causes a misplaced text cursor, and using the pixmap cache causes
>>> text to rendered without subpixel antialiasing which to the Mac
>>> user's eye results in faint, fuzzy text.
>>> Will OS X scrolling be fixed in 2.1?
>> It will unfortunately not be fixed. I have a branch
>> (features/str-metrics) that contains code almost ready to be wildly
>> tested, but it has not landed to main git yet. This means that this is
>> 2.2 material.
> Note, Jerry, that you can use and test JMarc's branch, if you are able to
> compile LyX yourself.

I've tried and failed to build from git in the past but when I get time I'll 
give it another go.

I appreciate the work on this and apologize for sounding like a broken record. 
I hope to provide some testing feedback at some point.

>> We plan to make 2.2 happen earlier than usual, but we
>> never managed to honor such promises in the past.
> This time will be different.
> Richard

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