On Thu, 18 Jan 2001, Pavel Cizek wrote:

> My idea was to have a simple tool to move around documents, not a
> complicated and slow-to-use bookmark system ala MS Word. That is, for
> example: I am writing some proof and I would like to check or modify
> something written in other part of the text (e.g., assumption
> section). With bookmarks available, press a keyboard shortcut for
> setting a bookmark; then move around, make changes, whatever...; press
> a keyboard shortcut to return to the previously set bookmark.
> Best regards,
> Pavel Cizek

It seems you want to be able to set a single bookmark, and then get there
with a keypress. This bookmark can be easily moved (just set it somewhere

The discussion seems to focus on adding/adapting support for multiple
bookmarks you can cycle through with a keypress, so you have to
explicitely remove them when you don't need them (or by closing the file).

Which of the two is preferable ?


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