PhilipPirrip wrote:

> Why does \input@path end with two slashes, as in
> /home/user/directory//

IIRC this means that also sub directories are searched, but this should be 
documented in some TeX or LaTeX docs.

> and why is its output
> "/home/user/dir ectory/"/
> (note quotation marks, and two separate ending slashes) when the folder
> name contains spaces?

Wiothout quotes only the part before the space would be used. I believe that 
the second slash is not included in the quotes since it is only a special 
marker (see above).

As you already found out \input@path does not work in several cases, 
therefore LyX changed to use TEXINPUTS. If biber does not work with either 
mechanism then please report this to the biber people.


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