On 2015-09-18, Enrico Forestieri wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 18, 2015 at 01:19:16PM +0000, Guenter Milde wrote:

> I don't think that we will arrive at a conclusion by continuing this
> discussion. It is clear that your view is irreconcilable with mine.
> To proceed any farther, this issue has to be decided by voting.

I agree that we need a decision on the way how to handle text-only
commands in mathed and that this should be a decision backed by the
developer community.

I see that there are problems with both approaches.
Advantages and problems have been discussed in this thread and on

There may be combinations or other alternatives to the two proposals.
(\mathdegree instead of \textdegree, wrapping

> Either departing along your view or following the way mathed has been
> developed so far. 

IMV, both proposals can be seen as departing/continuation of the current

  -> gives up the principle that LyX math syntax = LaTeX math syntax
  ^  retains "\<command> " input method for selected text commands in mathed
     (treats it as a logical extension of the mathed input concept).
  -> removes patchy support for a few text-commands as input method
     in mathed (treats it as problematic side effect, not intended feature).
  ^  retains mathed as *math* editor.

> Note that you cannot solve all the problems your patch
> introduces by simply editing lib/symbols and lib/unicodesymbols.

I know. (But I see the problems with the alternative approach, too.)


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