On 10/10/2015 06:25 PM, Scott Kostyshak wrote:

http://www.lyx.org/trac/ticket/7790 : a layout format change. This is about
custom TOCs in the outliner and navigation menu, e.g. lists of "Sweawe",
"TODO" and "FIXME" insets (recent new modules), and it is apparently very
easy to do. There is a design proposal and I offered to do the back-end part
(already done for the list of figures). People who care about this
enhancement, this is your last call if you do not want to see it postponed
to 2.3.
 From what I understand, you are willing to do the back-end part if
someone else does the layout implementation. Is that correct? If so,
then the question is whether either Jürgen or Richard has the time and
interest to work on it.

I'm sure I can find the time to do a few things. This doesn't look hard.

Unless you fix this in the next week or so, please post the patch to the list and get a couple of +1 from other developers before pushing. I don't have a high enough understanding to know how risky the fix will be, even if as you said writing the fix is easy.

Typically, we reach a point in the development process where this becomes a requirement for ALL patches. We're probably not there yet, but it's your call when we are.


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