Guenter Milde wrote:

> The current GUI design is inconsistent if you want to export to the most
> commen document types:
> 1. DVI             TeX fonts       for the TeX nostalgic
> 2. PS              TeX fonts       for fast preview/printing and PS-tricks
> 3. PDF (pdflatex)  TeX fonts       for traditional PDF
> 4. PDF (XeTeX)     OpenType fonts  for the traditional Unicode user
> 5. PDF (LuaTeX)    OpenType fonts  for the adventurous Unicode user
> 6. LyXHTML         OpenType fonts  for online use
> You can select between 1, 2, 3, and 6 from the "see other formats"
> toobar buttons or menu entry, without need to change the source document.

Not in practice. 6. does not work for many documents (because of ERT) and 
requires many more changes than just toggling a single button.

[snip lots of reasons why an automatic font settings is useful]

It seems we misunderstand each other. You do not need to convince me that 
the automatic selection is useful. I know that (and the most important 
reason for me personally is that you can set an explicit default format per 
document: an automatic choice of non-TeX would eliminate uncompilable 
documents if such a default format is set).
What I want is a solution for the "double automatic" problem: What is the 
default output format if it is set to automatic in the document, and non-TeX 
fonts are set to automatic as well? None of the discussed solutions was 
convincing so far for me:

1) Use latex as engine for the default output format and automatic fonts as 
in my initial patch. This is an arbitrary choice and intransparent for the 

2) Have only one Default Output Format under Tools>Preferences>File>Handling 
instead of two. Then the default output format of a document with automatic 
TeX/non-TeX fonts would be the one defined in preferences. Depending on the 
document contents the default output format may not work at all.

3) Like 2), but with a hard coded substitution list for the cases that the 
selected format does not work. This would be heavily intransparent for the 
user: You would need to know a lot of the internals to understand why the 
default output format would use pdflatex, although you set non-TeX fonts to 
automatic, and chose XeTeX as default output format in the preferences.

4) Like 3), but with a user configurable substitution list. This would not 
be intransparent anymore, but still quite difficult to understand.

5) Remove the default output format completely and recommend to use 
automatic non-TeX fonts. This would be quite radical, and I am not sure it 
would cover all use cases. One would need to think more about it.

> The automatic font package selection (fontenc vs. fontspec) would be
> similar to the automatic language package selection (babel vs.
> polyglossia).

Almost: No other automatic setting is undefined if the language package is 
set to automatic.

> However, the most problematic part (for me) is, that the obscure
> combinations XeTeX/LuaTeX & TeX fonts are simpler to reach than the much
> more usefull LuaTeX & OpenType fonts.

Yes, this is not nice, but the drawbacks of the solutions for the "double 
automatic" above play in a similar category IMHO.


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