Am 18. Januar 2016 23:25:03 MEZ, schrieb Pavel Sanda <>:
>Stephan Witt wrote:
>> The attached patch fixes the broken detection of GIT version control.
>> It seems so that Qt is caching the file meta data and fools the test
>> of file emptiness. Perhaps this has changed with Qt5 and didn???t
>> with Qt4???
>Bad news, if your analysis is correct, we might encounter the same
>in other parts of the code as well. I don't have easy access to qt5 to
>Quick check says we use is FileEmpty also in:
>Buffer.cpp:               enable = (d->preview_file_).exists() &&
>LaTeX.cpp:        rerun = idxfile.exists() && idxfile.isFileEmpty();
>LaTeX.cpp:        if (head.haschanged(nlofile) || (nlofile.exists() &&

I did not follow this git stuff, but I assume current implementation tries to 
use system git calls via Qt classes, am I right? I really could imagine this 
makes problems, because of Qt. 

Afaik QtCreator tries the same, is any code used from there in LyX?

Had someone the idea to use libgit2 instead of the system git? Was it 
evaluated? I assume then there we have much more control over the git files.


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