> Am 19.01.2016 um 08:09 schrieb Stephan Witt <st.w...@gmx.net>:
> Am 19.01.2016 um 07:56 schrieb Peter Kümmel <syntheti...@gmx.net>:
>> Am 18. Januar 2016 23:25:03 MEZ, schrieb Pavel Sanda <sa...@lyx.org>:
>> Stephan Witt wrote:
>> The attached patch fixes the broken detection of GIT version control.
>> It seems so that Qt is caching the file meta data and fools the test
>> of file emptiness. Perhaps this has changed with Qt5 and didn???t happen
>> with Qt4???
>> Bad news, if your analysis is correct, we might encounter the same problem
>> in other parts of the code as well. I don't have easy access to qt5 to test.
>> Quick check says we use is FileEmpty also in:
>> Buffer.cpp:               enable = (d->preview_file_).exists() && 
>> !(d->preview_file_).isFileEmpty();
>> LaTeX.cpp:        rerun = idxfile.exists() && idxfile.isFileEmpty();
>> LaTeX.cpp:        if (head.haschanged(nlofile) || (nlofile.exists() && 
>> nlofile.isFileEmpty()))
>> Pavel
>> I did not follow this git stuff, but I assume current implementation tries 
>> to use system git calls via Qt classes, am I right?
> No. It is hand crafted stuff. The problem is the temporary file to collect 
> the output of system calls.
> After creation it’s empty - of course. The system call changes this and the 
> next call to QFileInfo::size() returns 0 on my system.

This is documented here: http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qfileinfo.html

I don’t know when this was changed and/or if this is/was platform dependent.


> This I couldn’t debug further because of... I don’t know. In the past I’ve 
> been able to step into the Qt code. 
> After doing an upgrade of my OS and of the development system I have to get 
> it working again :(
> Stephan
>> I really could imagine this makes problems, because of Qt. 
>> Afaik QtCreator tries the same, is any code used from there in LyX?
>> Had someone the idea to use libgit2 instead of the system git? Was it 
>> evaluated?
> No, this would add another external library to the list of dependencies…

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