> The following email thread (3 years ago) suggests that we would like to
> move to one official build system in the long-run across all platforms,
> but that there were barriers to using CMake:
> http://marc.info/?i=kmrd28$e1k$1%20()%20ger%20!%20gmane%20!%20org
> Have those issues been resolved?
> Is the opinion among currently active LyX developers also that we would
> like to move to CMake as the official build system?
> Is CMake currently used for our official builds on Mac and Win?
> I don't know much about build systems and I don't have a strong opinion
> on this. I just start this conversation now because of:
> (1) the recent discussion about making the release process easier/faster
> (2) it seems like a conversation that should be had at the beginning of
> a major release cycle
> From what I understand, most developers on Linux use autotools. I can't
> tell if this is because that is what most developers have experience
> with or if it is because autotools has other advantages.

If there is a move to CMake, I recommend the use of the GNUInstallDirs
module <https://cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.4/module/GNUInstallDirs.html>.
This alleviates a lot of pain on platforms with "non-standard"
installation locations.

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