Original Message  
From: Pavel Sanda
Sent: Montag, 13. Juni 2016 04:01

> Sure, but I asked you about those changes long time ago and you never replied.

I apologize. In such cases, please resend an email directly to me. Sometimes 
the amount of Lyx messages is too large so that some slip through‎

> In general, please use change tracking.
> Moreover, and also on general, it is important to keep all language 
> versions in sync. There is no reason that new info is not in e.g. the 
> Spanish version.
> Since I am currently in your country and cannot have a look, could you 
> please revert and/or recommit using change tracking?

> That's easy, the responsibility of accepting those so they don't make it 
in CT mode to 2.2.1 is yours, I don't want to see this patch ever again ;)

Every info is welcome! I only have the duty to keep all languages un sync and 
to check the compilability. With change tracking I am always perfectly informed 
( and our translators too, sometimes they are faster in having a look than me).

Regards Uwe

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