Le 14/07/2016 07:13, Buenas Noticias a écrit :
Hi Michael:

TeXlive can work because each is in a different folder and you are the one you
decide on your route which you work (/usr/local/texlive/2013 or 2016).

I think that if you have installed an earlier version of lyx and install later,
the lyx executable will be overwritten and the current work anymore.

You may install a more recent version of lyx and keep both version running (the one which comes with your version manager and the one you install yourself) by running ./configure with option --with-version-suffix.
/usr/bin/lyx will call lyx-2.1 and /usr/local/bin/lyx-2.2.0 will call lyx-2.2.
tex2lyx and lyxclient will be suffixed as well, and your local changes will lie
in ~/.lyx and ~/.lyx-2.2.0


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