On 30.10.2016 07:29, racoon wrote:
Playing a bit with the offset of insets I realized that many (all?)
interactive areas (metrics?) are shifted to the right. This leads to an
unwelcome asymmetry for interaction in the work area.

For example, you can click a bit to the right of an element and still
the click is registered as if it was a click *on* the element.

For another example, when selecting an element, like a character, you
have to move with the cursor over more than half of the element in order
to select it starting from the left and less than half starting from the

Since the right shift seems to be by some fixed amount of pixels the
effect might seem worse at lower zoom levels. I believe that if this bug
would be fixed this would enhance interaction in the working area quite
a bit.

This may explain the feeling that I often have when for example selecting text, especially in formulas, that

- when selecting from the left to the right the selection is somewhat lacking behind, and

- when selecting from the right to the left it is hard to get the start of the selection right.


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