Le 04/11/2016 à 21:08, Stephan Witt a écrit :
I tried to preview the example file Maksim sent to the list (I’ll attach it 
Without the patch the crash happens when LyX is trying to highlight the error
location in the document - the line containing the offending illegal character 

OK, I can reproduce it now. The problem is with characters

Since they break line/character in string display, we get "interesting" consequences when trying to move cursor. It should not be difficult to avoid the crash, but the result will not be satisfactory. I see two possibilities:

1/ replace them with proper line-break or paragraph-break on import
  from Unicode text. This is not 100% fail-safe, but it be easy and
  help in many cases.

2/ keep them but interpret them as space everywhere for display. This
  will not give the same as PDF output, I guess

3/ find a way to replace them with proper line/paragraph breaks in our
  document seamlessly. This seems a bit difficult to achieve, actually.

What do you think? 1/ is easy but does not fix existing documents. And there are many other ways of adding these characters in a documents, actually.

I think it is tiime to open a bug report.


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