If there is a hyperlink inset, LyX seems to use hyperref regardless of
whether "use hyperref support" is checked in document settings. I was
initially surprised by this (I did not know that the particular document
used hyperlink insets), although when I realized that hyperlink insets
were used the behavior of course makes sense.

Currently LyX says "Customize Hyperref Options" if the document class
provides hyperref. Would it be difficult to extend fa19ec6f to say
"Customize Hyperref Options" if LyX is going to use hyperref because of
features within the document, such as an included hyperref inset?
Would we want that?

Trying to think of alternatives to address potential confusion, I only
came up with having a string in document > settings > PDF Properties
saying something like "currently this document will use hyperref because
features in the document (e.g. hyperlinks) need it". But that seems a
little verbose.

Also, why is it "Use Hyperref Support" and not "Use Hyperref" ? I don't
see what the word "Support" adds.


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